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                        remote learning

美国圣十字医院(Holy Cross Hospital)是马里兰州最大的医院之一,是美国乔治华盛顿大学的附属医院。圣十字医院于1963年建立,位于华盛顿特区以北,是一家知名教学医院,每年为36,000多名患者提供医疗服务。该医院提供全面的住院和门诊治疗,包括妇女和婴儿服务、高级服务、手术、神经科学和癌症方面具有专门知识。与马里兰州的任何医院相比,该医院的专科医生执行更多的住院妇科和妇科肿瘤外科手术,为更多患有复杂医疗问题的新生儿分娩和婴儿提供护理。



            Tutor explaining operation in detail 



            Participants joining in the exchange



                theme lectures



               Patients consultation


US Gynecology Clinical Observation Program Successfully Held


In adapting to changes in the new situation and supporting clinical backbones to continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with internationally renowned medical institutions, Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation(BHGF) launched the "US Gynecology Clinical Observation Program". The program invites a team of top American gynecological experts through remote clinical practice Teaching, including surgical observation, patient consultation, clinical rounds, case discussion, theme lectures, etc., to help medical professionals continue to realize the "dream of overseas clinical observation". This program takes the form of remote study, 2 or 3 times a week for a total of 3 months.


The opening ceremony of US Gynecology Clinical Observation Program was successfully held on the evening of November 10, 2020. 11 gynecologists from 7 domestic hospitals started the three-month gynecology clinical observation remote earning. At the opening ceremony, Chen Ran, chairman of BHGF, introduced the background and significance of the program, as well as the goals and tasks of remote learning. Chairman Chen urged the program participants to cherish this hard-won learning opportunity and bring in what they have learned to their respective jobs, so as to better serve for the health of local people. Program participants all said that they would cherish this learning opportunity, abide by class discipline, interact with overseas experts as much as they can, and successfully complete the three-month remote learning task.


Holy Cross Hospital of US is one of the largest hospitals in Maryland and an affiliated hospital of George Washington University. . The Holy Cross Hospital was established in 1963 and is located north of Washington, DC. It is a well-known teaching hospital that provides medical services to more than 36,000 patients every year. The hospital provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment, including women and infant services, advanced services, surgery, neuroscience and cancer expertise. Compared with any hospital in Maryland, the specialists in this hospital perform more inpatient gynecological and gynecological oncology surgeries, and provide care for more newborns and babies with complex medical problems.




(1)曹文静 手机:13772057625


(2)侯  西 手机:13669217344


